

The Santa Cruz Astronomy Club serves all communities in Santa Cruz County, California and neighboring areas. Our emphasis is telescope observing, family participation, and public enjoyment of the wonders of the starry night. See the calendar below for our schedule...

We meet on the second  Wednesday of every month at 7:00pm, at the Santa Margarita Meeting Room at the Scotts Valley Water District Offices.  Watch the calendar for news.

We hold a monthly 'star party' at Quail Hollow Ranch County Park, starting about sunset (its fully dark typically 90 minutes after sunset) as weather allows.  Sunset time in Santa Cruz County.

Club members volunteer to provide a viewing experience to the public. We may randomly do sidewalk astronomy around the area, as well as occasional school and camp groups.  Email us for news of events or to request our participation.

If you're thinking of coming to one of our viewing events, check our calendar for last minute updates.

To join our club, supply the information on the membership form, either printed with a check for the dues, or via email and PayPal the dues to treasurer@astronomy.santa-cruz.ca.us

Benefits of joining the Santa Cruz Astronomy Club

The SCAC welcomes people of all ages, experience levels, and interest areas. If you have an interest in the night sky, and wish you knew more, the SCAC is a great way to get started!  We offer beginner ‘star tours’, loaner scopes, and advice.  SCAC members gain access to:

Mail Lists

The Santa Cruz Astronomy Club maintains an email list for its members.  This list is used for announcements, event planning, and general discussions related to our club and astronomy.   To subscribe to this list, click here, and tell us your city and interest in the club.

Public star parties

We often hold one or two public star parties every month.

Quail Hollow Ranch Sky Conditions