About & Programs
Formed in 1983, the Santa Cruz Astronomy Club is a non-profit educational organization pursuant to 501C3, tax ID Number 77-0215497. Mailing address is: Santa Cruz Astronomy Club, PO Box 3439, Santa Cruz, CA 95063
Club Officers...
President: James Bahn
Vice President: Ana Rodarte
Secretary: Open
Treasurer: Bill Seiler
Board member: Chris Angelos
Quail Hollow star parties: John Arkley
Bonny Doon star parties: James Bahn
Donation/loaner programs: James Bahn
Website: James Bahn
Social media: Kirk Bender
Communications and Calendar: Robert Milby
Presentations/speakers chairperson: Open
Outreach programs: Open
New member orientation: Open
The SCAC is an all-volunteer organization that relies on the active participation of its members for its success and continuity. Please contact us if you think you'd like to help provide leadership as a chairperson or officer.
Club Star Parties
Club members have exclusive access to our monthly club-only star party at the best observing spot in the county, at 2000' in Bonny Doon.
Our monthly star party at 500' Quail Hollow Ranch is open to everyone and the public is encouraged to attend. Other, ad hoc parties are usually open to everyone, but contact us if there are any questions.
The SCAC is pleased to receive any equipment donations. Telescopes, eyepieces, mounts… almost anything you can think of that is used in astronomy, we accept. Most items are used in our loaner telescope program. Some may be donated to worthy individuals or groups who support astronomy education in their community. All donations go toward supporting the SCAC and public education in astronomy. SCAC will provide a tax receipt for charitable contributions upon request for all equipment donations. Please contact us for more information.
Loaner Program
The purpose of this program is for SCAC members to borrow scopes to evaluate equipment, help guide them in learning astronomy, and use for personal and club events. Contact the club for questions. Current list below.
FEATURED BEGINNER SCOPE: Recently donated Orion Starseeker 130mm GOTO Newtonian
This scope features a reflector optical tube with moderate 650mm focal length and f/5.0 focal ratio. The entire telescope+tripod setup weighs about 22 lbs for easy transport. Following a two-star alignment process, the scope can guide you to interesting sights with its GOTO database of over 42,000 objects. Once you locate a target, it will automatically track the object's apparent motion and keep it centered so you can enjoy the view as long as you wish. We've tested this scope and it works great. Everything's included but you will need to supply a power source, like a household extension cord, or a small portable Lithium unit like this. Will fit in any car. Includes instructions and of course, a club member will get you started. See more at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2GKmeLYwJk&t=3s