About & Programs


Formed in 1983, the Santa Cruz Astronomy Club is a non-profit educational organization pursuant to 501C3, tax ID Number 77-0215497.  Mailing address is:  Santa Cruz Astronomy Club, PO Box 3439, Santa Cruz, CA 95063 

Club Officers...


Club Star Parties

Club members have exclusive access to our monthly club-only star party at the best observing spot in the county, at 2000' in Bonny Doon.

Yearly, club members are invited to participate in a public star party at Glacier Point in Yosemite.

Our monthly star party at 500' Quail Hollow Ranch is open to everyone and the public is encouraged to attend.  Other, ad hoc parties are usually open to everyone, but contact us if there are any questions.


The SCAC is pleased to receive any equipment donations. Telescopes, eyepieces, mounts… almost anything you can think of that is used in astronomy, we accept.  Most items are used in our loaner telescope program. Some may be donated to worthy individuals or groups who support astronomy education in their community. All donations go toward supporting the SCAC and public education in astronomy.  SCAC will provide a tax receipt for charitable contributions upon request for all equipment donations.  Please contact us for more information.

Loaner Program

The purpose of this program is for SCAC members to borrow scopes to evaluate equipment, help guide them in learning astronomy, and use for personal and club events.  Contact the club for questions.  The club currently has over 25 scopes in inventory, and the current list of available scopes is below.