Links & Info
Other astro clubs
San Jose Astronomical Association
Peninsula Astronomical Society
Fremont Peak Observatory Association
San Francisco Amateur Astronomers
The Astronomy Connection (TAC); though not a club per se, TAC is a bay area Google forum
Calstar at Lake San Antonio
Star parties
Monthly Quail Hollow Ranch county park star party
Calstar at Lake San Antonio
GSSP near Adin, CA, June 25 - 29, 2025
Lick Observatory public evening tours
Fremont Peak public observing nights
Pigeon Point sponsors public events; watch our calendar
Watch for future events at Pinto Lake in Watsonville
Stargazing at Yosemite; Aug 14 - 17, 2025
How to
Interesting & useful links
Getting started in backyard astronomy
Hubble Challenge, every month.
Tonight's Sky, for developing nightly viewing plans
Astronomy Almanac is a month-by-month guide to North America's skies
Astronomy magazine
Sky & Telescope magazine
Smithsonian Universe, a pretty complete guide to "the universe" If you create a login you can save targets, the specs of your telescopes, eyepieces, camera lenses and cameras and allows you to simulate mosaics under your personal toolbox.
NINA Sky Atlas planning module
Cloudy Nights planet photography
Astrospheric, for weather forecasts
Dark Sky Map, for finding dark skies
Stellarium - free planetarium software for your computer
Stargazing intro including sky tours for each season
International Dark Sky Association, Santa Cruz chapter
Earth Sky, stars tonight, for astronomy news
Cosmo is a useful astronomy chatbot
Asteroid occultations by Dr. Richard Nolthenius, presented Nov 8, 2023
Cabrillo college astro site
Night Sky Network by NASA
Role of data science in astronomy
Last but not least, when new to astronomy, we recommend learning the constellations, and the brightest stars, using star maps like this. Even if you wind up using sophisticated goto scopes and other tools, this knowledge will serve you well.